Brace yourself to emulate Nintendo Switch games on Android

Emulating retro consoles might be a thing to attract gamers to mobile gaming but what about emulating a current-gen console? Well, it’s now possible thanks to the Egg NS emulator.

Developed by NXTeam Studios, Egg NS is a Nintendo Switch emulator for Android phones. Only a couple of days ago this concept might have sounded absurd but here we are. The emulator’s authenticity has even been certified by other reviewers and the official website offers a download link.

The catch is that you’ll need a phone with either Snapdragon 855, 855+ or 865 chipset and a special controller, the $100 GameSir X2 controller that’s now available to preorder. The controller is required as it apparently provides a code required to run the game.

This is likely a marketing move from GameSir but it means that we will also see similar emulators pop up in the near future that won’t require any specific hardware.

My GBAtemp article published today regarding this news is already gaining traction, so join in the discussion over there!

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