Metal Gear Solid but as a vinyl record

Vinyl records are far from being a thing of the past. In fact, the medium has had a sort of revival, especially thanks to the video game industry. With large album covers offering a canvas for artists to express their gaming inspirations and for owners to subsequently display on their walls, vinyl records have breathed a new life with video game soundtracks.

Cult titles like Zelda, The Last of Us and Silent Hill are composed of iconic tunes which have been masterfully crafted and listening to them on vinyl is always a pleasure. One of my all time favorite game, Metal Gear Solid, is also defined by its Hollywood-worthy audio score and Mondo has recreated it in a 2x 180 vinyls which I reviewed for GBAtemp some time ago.

Find out about my thoughts and get an audio (and visual) glimpse of what to expect out of this premiere vinyl pressing of Metal Gear Solid!

Metal Gear Solid Soundtrack Vinyl: Official GBAtemp Review

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